How Data analytics bring a huge revolution in Business Analytics


Data Analytics and AI have become the secret sauce for businesses in today's highly competitive and data-driven market. With the increasing amount of data generated daily, companies rely more on data analytics to make informed decisions, improve operations, and drive growth. Naturally resulting in high demand for professionals with expertise in Data Analytics and AI.

Aligning your career path in this field can open up exciting opportunities for personal and professional growth. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of pursuing a PGDM in Data Analytics along with the opportunities available at Vivekanand Business School.

How have Data Analytics and AI transformed job roles

Data Analytics and AI have transformed job roles and responsibilities in numerous ways. Here are a few examples:

  1. Job Automation 

With the growth of AI and machine learning, specific tasks that humans once performed can now be automated. This has led to a shift in job responsibilities, as workers are freed up to focus on more complex and strategic tasks.

Use Case: Here’s a use case of Data Analytics and AI in the financial industry. A few years ago, data entry and reconciliation of financial transactions was a time-consuming and repetitive task performed by human employees. However, with the integration of AI and machine learning algorithms, this task has now been automated. AI algorithms can automatically detect and reconcile financial transactions, reducing the potential for errors and increasing efficiency. This not only streamlines the process but also enables employees to focus on higher-value tasks such as analysis and decision-making.

  1. Data-Driven Decision-Making

With the increased availability of data, decision-making in many organizations has become more data-driven. As a result, employees who can analyze and interpret data effectively have become increasingly valued in the job market.

Use Case: Companies use data analytics to track customers' purchase history, website behaviour, and demographic information to gain insights into their buying habits. This data is used to create personalized marketing campaigns tailored for customer segments based on their interest and purchase history.

  1. Increased Focus on Data Privacy: 

With the growth of data analytics, there has been a corresponding increase in the importance of protecting sensitive information. This has led to the creation of new roles and responsibilities, such as data privacy officers, who are responsible for ensuring that data is collected, stored, and processed in a responsible and secure manner.

Use Case: Healthcare organizations implement robust data privacy and security protocols. They appoint a data privacy officer responsible for ensuring that patient information is collected, stored, and processed in a secure and compliant manner. The privacy officer is often responsible for implementing privacy training programs for employees, reviewing data security practices, and responding to privacy incidents.

  1. New Job Roles: 

As the field of Data Analytics and AI continues to grow, new job roles are emerging. For example, AI product managers are responsible for developing and managing AI-powered products. At the same time, data storytellers are responsible for communicating data insights to stakeholders in a compelling and accessible way.

Benefits of Pursuing a Career in Data Analytics and AI

With the increasing importance of data in the business world, there is a growing need for professionals with expertise in this field hence, various colleges offers PGDM courses in Mumbai with this specialization. There are numerous benefits to pursuing a career in Data Analytics and AI, including high demand and lucrative job opportunities. Companies across industries, including finance, healthcare, retail, and technology, are seeking individuals who can help them make sense of the data they collect and use it to make informed decisions.

In addition to high demand, a career in Data Analytics and AI can also offer competitive salaries and a variety of job roles to choose from. From data scientists and data analysts to business intelligence analysts and financial analysts, there are many different roles available for professionals with expertise in this field.

About the VBS Program

Vivekanand Business School is among the top B-schools in Mumbai offering a PGDM program with a strong emphasis on Business Analytics, thus offering Statistical Programming Languages like R Programming and Python and Software Tools like SQL, Excel, Hadoop, Tableau, and MongoDB. The specializations are designed to provide students with a deep understanding of the concepts and applications of Business Analytics in various industries thus, incorporating Analytics in every specialization. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including data mining, machine learning, predictive modeling, and data visualization, among others.

The school offers specializations in several areas, including Banking & Finance, Operations & Supply Chain Management, Business Analytics, Human Resources Management, and Marketing. These specializations allow students to tailor their education to their career interests and goals, providing them with a competitive edge in the job market.

In addition to classroom learning, the PGDM program at Vivekanand Business School also includes hands-on experience through live projects, case studies, and guest lectures from industry experts, providing students with a well-rounded education and real-world experience. The program also offers ample of opportunities for networking and collaboration, allowing students to build valuable relationships with peers and industry professionals.

How to build a successful career in Data Analytics and AI

Building a successful career in Data Analytics and AI requires a combination of education, skills development, and real-world experience. Here are some steps you can take to get started:

  1. Gain a solid understanding of the fundamentals: 

You must have a strong understanding of mathematical and statistical concepts, as well as programming skills in languages such as Python and R. 

The curriculum at Vivekanand Business School includes training in advanced data analytics tools and programming languages, including R and Python. Students also learn to use popular software and tools such as Excel, SQL, Hadoop, Tableau, and MongoDB, preparing them for careers in the fast-growing field of data analytics and AI.

  1. Build your skills: 

Build your skills in areas such as data visualization and communication. You can do this by taking courses, participating in online forums, and working on personal projects.

  1. Get real-world experience: 

To gain a competitive edge in the job market, it is important to get hands-on experience working with data. You can do this by participating in internships, volunteering for projects, and contributing to open-source initiatives.

  1. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies: 

Data Analytics and AI are constantly evolving, and it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the field. You can do this by attending conferences, following industry experts on social media, and reading industry publications.


Data Analytics and AI are becoming increasingly important in the business world, leading to high demand and lucrative job opportunities for professionals with expertise in the field. Programs like the Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics at Vivekanand Business School offer a comprehensive education and real-world experience, preparing students for careers in Data Analytics and AI by covering a range of topics and providing hands-on projects and industry expert guest lectures.
